Feasting on the Waves: Dubai’s Finest Food on Cruise Experiences

Delna Shobi

July 21, 2023

4 min read

Dubai, the dazzling jewel of the Middle East, is renowned for its opulent skyscrapers, desert adventures, and rich cultural tapestry. But beyond its iconic landmarks lies a treasure trove of culinary delights that will leave your taste buds longing for more. And what better way to savour these flavours than while aboard a luxurious cruise, where gourmet dining meets breathtaking views of the azure waters and dazzling skyline? Embark on a journey of gastronomic discovery as we explore Dubai’s culinary diversity on the decks of some of the world’s most exquisite cruise liners. Indulge in an unforgettable culinary adventure, while experiencing the best things to do in Dubai. From international flavours to traditional Arabian feasts, Dubai’s cruising scene promises to be a culinary adventure like no other.

Dhow Cruise at Dubai Marina

Our first stop on this culinary journey, where we’ll be feasting on the waves, is at Dubai Marina, where the magic of a Sunset Dinner Dhow Cruise awaits! Experience the epitome of culinary enchantment on a Sunset Dinner Dhow Cruise at Dubai Marina. Sail on a traditional wooden dhow, immersed in Arabian charm, as the sun dips below the horizon, setting the stage for a gastronomic spectacle. Indulge in a symphony of flavours from both Arabian delicacies and international delights, and enjoy a 5-star international buffet with your dear ones, all while basking in the glittering beauty of Dubai’s iconic skyline. A magical evening awaits, where feasting on the waves becomes an unforgettable experience.

  • The dinner buffet on the dhow offers a delightful spread of traditional Arabian delicacies. From aromatic kebabs and rich biryanis to flavorful hummus and mezze, guests can savour the authentic taste of Emirati cuisine.
  • The Sunset Dinner Dhow Cruise is a popular choice for birthdays, anniversaries, and romantic dates, adding an extra touch of magic to celebrations.
  • As the dhow glides through the marina’s waters, guests get a close-up view of iconic landmarks like the Palm Jumeirah, Atlantis, The Palm, and the awe-inspiring skyscrapers that dot the shoreline.

Royal Dinner Dhow Cruise at Dubai Creek

Next, we embark on a regal culinary odyssey aboard the Royal Dinner Dhow Cruise at Dubai Creek. As the dhow sails along the historic waterway, indulge in a sumptuous feast fit for royalty. Relish Arabian delicacies and international flavours under the stars, while Dubai’s iconic skyline shimmers in the background. A majestic evening awaits, where gourmet dining meets the charm of Dubai’s rich heritage.The Royal Dinner Dhow Cruise at Dubai Creek promises an extraordinary blend of history, luxury, and gastronomy, creating an unforgettable experience that delights the senses and captivates the soul.

  • Sailing along Dubai Creek, you’ll be surrounded by the old-world charm of the city. The waterway holds centuries of history and has been the lifeline of Dubai’s trading activities for generations.
  • Be entertained throughout the cruise by live performances, including traditional music and captivating Tanoura dances. The entertainment adds to the cultural experience and creates lasting memories.
  • The cruise presents numerous photo opportunities against the glittering Dubai skyline and beautifully illuminated landmarks. Capture the magic of the night with stunning photographs to cherish forever.

Brunch on a Pirate Themed Cruise at Dubai Canal

For those who are seeking fun, Set sail on a swashbuckling culinary adventure with Brunch on a Pirate-Themed Cruise at Dubai Canal. Step into a world of buccaneers and buried treasure as you feast like a pirate with a delectable brunch spread. Cruise along the Dubai Canal, surrounded by pirate-themed decor and entertainment, creating an exciting and fun-filled brunch experience for all ages.Splash your way this summer with an open sea swimming experience followed by a brunch buffet.

  • Sail in the waters on a unique Black Pearl Boat in Dubai Creek Harbor and enjoy the mesmerising sea.
  • Swim to your heart’s content near Burj Al Arab sea and feast on a delicious brunch buffet
  • Enjoy a live BBQ and choose from a variety of food available while you listen to some soothing music in the background.
  • Embrace the theme and dress like a pirate! Wearing pirate costumes adds to the fun and makes for memorable photos.
  • If you’re bringing children, consider packing pirate costumes for them too. They’ll love being part of the pirate crew!

Why visit Culinary Cruises in Dubai ?

Dubai is a melting pot of cultures, and its culinary scene reflects this diversity. On culinary cruises, you can savour an array of international cuisines, from Mediterranean and Asian to Middle Eastern and Western delights. On a culinary cruise, you not only get to experience exceptional food but also admire Dubai’s iconic landmarks from a unique perspective. Whether it’s the breathtaking view of the Burj Khalifa or the Palm Jumeirah, these cruises offer a different vantage point to appreciate the city’s architectural marvels.The gentle sway of the ship from the hustle of the city offers you a soothing ambiance, and the impeccable service all contribute to an unforgettable dining experience that will leave you feeling rejuvenated. In summary, visiting culinary cruises in Dubai offers the chance to explore the city’s rich culinary diversity, indulge in luxurious dining experiences, admire iconic landmarks, experience traditional and innovative flavours, and create unforgettable memories. It’s a must-do for any food lover seeking a unique and immersive culinary journey.

All you need to know

  • Arriving a little early allows you to board the cruise comfortably and ensures you don’t miss the stunning sunset views.
  • While the cruise is a luxurious affair, wear comfortable clothing and footwear to fully enjoy the experience.
  • Don’t forget your camera or smartphone to capture the magical moments as the sun sets over Dubai Marina’s iconic skyline.
  • Immerse yourself in the romantic ambiance and enjoy the company of loved ones while dining under the stars.
  • If you’re celebrating a special occasion, let the crew know in advance. They might have a surprise in store to make it even more memorable.
  • Be mindful of your waste and respect the marine environment during the cruise. Opt for eco-friendly practices whenever possible.
  • After dinner, head to the open deck to admire the glittering city lights and enjoy the gentle breeze.


What is a culinary cruise?

A culinary cruise is a unique dining experience that takes place on a cruise ship or boat, where guests can indulge in gourmet meals and delightful culinary offerings while enjoying picturesque views of the surrounding waters and landscapes.

What type of cuisine is offered on culinary cruises?

Culinary cruises offer a diverse range of cuisines, including local specialties, international flavours, and fusion dishes. Guests can expect a carefully curated menu prepared by talented chefs, featuring a variety of delectable dishes.

Is there entertainment provided on culinary cruises?

Many culinary cruises offer entertainment to enhance the dining experience. This may include live music, cultural performances, cooking demonstrations, or even wine tastings.

What makes culinary cruises different from traditional restaurants?

Culinary cruises offer a unique combination of gourmet dining, stunning views, and the novelty of dining on the water. The experience of indulging in exquisite cuisine while cruising through beautiful landscapes sets culinary cruises apart from traditional restaurants.

Are culinary cruises suitable for families with children?

Yes, many culinary cruises welcome families with children. Some cruises may offer special kids’ menus or family-friendly entertainment to ensure an enjoyable experience for guests of all ages.

Can I choose between different cuisines on board?

Absolutely! Cruises with dining options offer a diverse selection of cuisines, ranging from local specialties to international favourites. Guests can indulge in a variety of flavours throughout the cruise.

Can I bring my own food or beverages on board?

Cruise lines generally have policies regarding bringing outside food and beverages on board. It’s essential to check the cruise line’s guidelines to ensure compliance.

Are there kid-friendly dining options and menus available on the cruise?

Yes, most cruise lines have kid-friendly dining options and menus tailored to younger guests. Children can enjoy meals designed to cater to their tastes and preferences.

Are there cooking demonstrations or culinary classes available on board?

Many cruise lines offer cooking demonstrations and culinary classes, where guests can learn from professional chefs and hone their culinary skills.

Can I make special requests for personalised dishes or modifications to the menu?

Yes, cruise lines are generally accommodating to special requests, and the chefs can often prepare personalised dishes or make modifications to suit individual preferences.

Delna Shobi

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    Dubai, UAE


    2801, Mazata Business Avenue BB2,
    Plot No: JLTE-PH2-BB2,
    jumeirah Lakes Towers,
    Dubai, UAE

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